Lawrence Zavodney
Hello. Are we really getting close to 60 already? I think we are all amazed at how fast the time has passed us by.

Debbie and I have celebrated 32 years of a wonderful marriage. We have two married daughters, one 20-yr old son in college, an 18-yr old daughter just starting college this fall, a 16-yr old daughter who will be a junior in high school, and two boys ages 14 and 12. Our first of daughter was born in Amman, Jordan. We buried our first granddaughter last fall. Both daughters are expecting.

After graduation in '69 I attended Akron U for two degrees in mechanical engineering--B.S. and M.S., got a commission in the USAF, married Debbie in '76, worked for Babcock & Wilcox in Alliance for two years before going back to grad school for a Ph.D. in Engineering Mechanics at Virginia Tech in '79. During that time we spent two years helping Jordan start an engineering program at Yarmouk University. I taught at Ohio State for five years starting in '88 and then in '92 accepted an invitation to become Cedarville University's first department chairman for their brand new engineering department. For 15 years I have advised an engineering student team designing and building supermileage cars that get over 1200 mpg. I served as department chair for 14 years. Now I take engineering students to Africa during the summer for short-term missions trips.

For fun I like to fly airplanes, scuba dive, design and build things, sail, windsurf, and have been restoring a 1977 Corvette since 2000 (but have little free time with seven kids). Our Alumni Association induced me into Revere's High School Hall of Fame in 2002. In my message to the graduating class and audience I recalled the advice that our guidance counselor gave me--don't go to college because you are not college material and would not have a good experience (I graduated in that part of our class that made the upper half possible). I wonder if he knows that I turned down a full-ride offer at MIT for my Ph.D. and have been teaching at the university level for 30 years!
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